January 31, 2005

laundry night

Tonight was laundry night. And boy did we have a lot. 5 loads. The place was packed when we got there but thinned out soon after. As we loaded everything into the dryers I realized we were missing our bathroom rug. I checked all the machines. Nothing. Checked again. Nothing. David and I looked around scratching our heads. Then I noticed a rug that looked identical to ours on the bottom of a man's pile as he finished folding his clothes. No. It couldn't be. I looked at David and mumbled to him that I think the man has our rug. I said 'what should i do"? David shrugged his shoulders. So I went over and asked "um, that's not our rug is it?" "NO, It's mine". DOH! Damn.

So we looked through all the machines again and lo and behold there it was, stuck to the roof of one of the machines. Boy did I feel like an ass. I couldn't look at the guy in the eye again.


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