September 20, 2008

Growing Up

I never started a baby book for Sophie. I'm sure I'll regret it, I think even now I am starting to, but I just always thought that I blog about her milestones, so I don't need to. Then I realized recently that I don't blog about her much at all lately! A picture here and there, but that's about it. Maybe when we decide to have baby #2 I'll start a proper book. But until then I'll try and make more Sophie-related-goings-on posts.

She turned 17 months last weekend. For some reason I feel like 18 months will be a big milestone, almost like a birthday. Maybe it's because clothing and toys have a new 18-24 month category? I think also because I've read so many big changes happen after 18 months. More talking, more individual imaginative play, an interest in potty training. We will see! But for now she seems to be a typical toddler of her age-running around, babbling and saying some words (mama, dada, naina (her aunt), cat, keys, cheese, wa wa, ball, box, more, done), grouping and stacking objects, reading her picture books, and imitating lots of behavior. She loves to walk around with her plastic cell phone and pretend to talk. Something she undoubtedly picked up from me and her nanny! She seems truly interested to know the names of things, pointing things out and then looking at me to see what I call it and seeming to store it in her "vault" for later.

Anyhoo, we picked up this great chair from Ikea last weekend and she absolutely loves it. It's definitely her favorite toy in the apartment. I knew when I saw it online that it was something she'd enjoy. It spins, and best of all it has a cover that she can pull down and hide under. I highly recommend it for anyone with a toddler.

Also, something else I wanted to add. What happened to Saturday morning cartoons? I turned the TV on this morning, and found absolutely no cartoons except for the Nickelodeon ones. I don't get it? One of the joys of growing up for anyone in my generation was to wake up early on Saturday morning, get your cereal, and watch a few hours of cartoons. I just don't understand! Not that we let Sophie watch TV yet, but still. Maybe I will create my own Saturday Morning Cartoon show for her with DVD's when the time comes : ) Smurfs anyone?


Blogger Shaina Rotstein said...

Woohoo- Sophie posts :) You forgot to add that she says "ba baaaaaaaa" lol

8:51 AM  
Blogger Brandon said...

LOL!- Sophieee!
You forgot to mention she has a facebook at the age of 17 months! LOL-Is she stacking the wonderful legos I got her? :)

11:02 PM  
Blogger Simone said...

She loves her legos!

5:56 PM  
Blogger H3NR7 said...

I like her Little Shop of Horrors chair.

11:19 AM  
Blogger hillary said...

that actually seems pretty fun.

(i'm back).

10:08 PM  

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