February 06, 2005


We went to a get together at my friend Lina's house in da Bronx yesterday. It was a Scooby Gang/her man's birfday/Black History Month Soul food fest. Everyone brought something soulful. There was fried chicken, cornbread, mac n' cheese, homemade ham, fried plantains (had to get some Puerto Rican flavor in there), collared greens, potato salad and my contribution-Ceaser Salad. Yes, I know it's not soul food. But it was requested so I picked some up from Carmine's.

My friend Sean brought the collared greens and potato salad. The collared greens stunk up the 2 train on the way up there. Really stunk it up. And it was leaking all over the place. So by the time we ate, I was in no mood to eat that stuff. Yeeysh!

Almost everyone in the Scooby Gang went (minus Celvyn, that bastard). We had a great time. Food, food and more food. We watched DVD's that her man made of past parties. Pin-the-tale-on-the-donkey was played. And of course I won! Woohoo!

Our friends Donna & Jason brought there perfect baby Angel. Angel has discovered how to walk so he was off running the whole night. They also brought they're latest addition, still in Donna's tummy. She's 4 months preggo and showing a lot already. That's what you get when you're a size 2!

The best part of the night is when Donna asked David & I if we'd like to be her labor coach. Would I??? I would love to! This is so perfect. I've never been in a hospital before, except of course my own birth, which I don't remember too well. The whole pregnancy thing seems very exciting to me except for the delivery part. This is a perfect way for me to see what it's all about. Plus it is such an honor to be asked.

So her due date is July 14th. We have a Block Island trip scheduled for July 2-6. I told her she's not allowed to have the baby until we return.


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