Independence Day
As you can tell with my lack of posts, I'm super busy lately. Watching the 2 kids, working full time (at home-yey!) and keeping up with regular household duties is really a 24/7 job! Working at home and watching him is increasingly difficult with him on the move, and his desire to discover new things, but I'm so lucky to be able to be home with him this long so I'm not complaining.
Roman is now 8 months old. He's 21 lbs and quite a chunker! Sophie has definitely been enjoying him a little more now. He started sitting up around 6 months. Then started crawling at 7 months. Now he is pulling himself up to a standing position and, as of today, cruising. He is also a fan of screaming at the top of his lungs, especially in the early morning hours. He is obsessed with Cheerios and spends many an hour searching the floors for one that may have dropped. He is on the move from waking up between 6am-7am until bedtime at 7pm, with a few naps in between. He is a super happy baby but when he gets tired watch out-super cranky pants. Definitely not as easy a baby as Sophie was, but equally as happy and smiley : ) He really loves to cuddle, something Sophie was never really into. I really look forward to the days ahead when they can really play together. He adores her so.
Sophie is keeping herself busy doing things "all by myself". She is now fully potty trained, except for diapers when sleeping. Boy am I glad about that! I finally convinced her to make #2 on the potty with the lure of getting a "special toy" and once she got over the fear and confusion of how it all happens, she now is using the potty like a pro. With some little accidents here and there. She loves to talk about big plans she has for the day, most of which don't actually happen. She will only wear dresses and must pick it out "all by myself" every morning. She is starting to say some really funny things and we're really realizing she's much smarter than we realized and it's getting harder to convince her to do things we want. Tantrums are common as she has now entered the tantrumy three's, but usually don't last long and can be redirected with some carefully orchestrated redirecting!
We have a busy summer ahead with World Cup finals, Block Island, visits from my brother and my nephew, a trip to Hawaii for myself (YEY!) and then some weddings this fall-including my Brother-in-Law Matthew. Crazy year, crazy summer, crazy busy but crazy fun too.
Ok that's all I have time for-back to work. Sigh.
Aw, I miss your posts!
I love the photo of the kids! They both sound like they are thriving. Congrats on getting through potty training, and good luck with those tantrums!!
hey cousin,
i just love to see your beautiful children. can't believe how much they changed in just a few months.
glad to hear everything is well, although hectic, but that's life in the big city.
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