October 05, 2009


My due date is less than 4 weeks away and I'm starting to get really nervous. Everything is set up, washed, stored and ready. But now that there isn't anything else to do to prepare, I have too much time to worry about the actual baby! In all the rush to get things ready, and with being busy with Sophie and work, I've forgotten about the scariness of labor. We had a talk with the Dr on Friday and she told us all the things we need to know about labor this time around. With a VBAC as a possibility there will be a lot more monitoring this time around, which means they want me at the hospital much earlier than last time. Not what I wanted to hear. I am also Group Strep B positive (again) so I will also need to come earlier in order to get antibiotics. Ugh. I so don't want to rush over to the hospital early as I much prefer to labor at home as long as possible, but we'll see what happens. When contractions are 5 minutes apart for an hour I'm to call then head over. Last time around I stayed home with 5 min contractions for a whopping 16 hours! The whole thing seems a little scarier to me this time around as I'm worried about Sophie and who will be watching her. We have loose plans and it all is really dependent on when it happens. Our nanny can definitely be here to watch her as can David's parents, but it'll take them about an hour or two to get here. And if his parents are here, then they'll miss the birth at the hospital! I just hope we don't have to run to the hospital in the middle of the night. I'm also nervous about staying in the hospital by myself as this time I won't be getting a private room so David won't be staying with me. Well, I could get a private room, if I wanted to pay $750 a night! These hospitals here are really outrageous.

If I don't go into labor by November 4th then there will be a C-section planned for that day. I will be unable to be induced so there would be no other choice. I highly doubt the baby will come that late though.

This coming Friday I will have an ultrasound to estimate the weight of the baby. I feel like this one will be even bigger than Sophie was (9.1) so that's scary too! I have this feeling I will end up getting a C-section in the end, but I will do my best. The end result of a healthy baby and Mommy is what really matters in the end.


Blogger irideout said...

I know there are a gazillion things to worry about, but I know you'll do great!!

Hopefully you'll have enough time during early labor to give your potential babysitters for Sophie a heads up, so they can arrive in plenty of time before you go to the hospital. Have you gotten to know any of your neighbors in your building well enough to be able to ask one of them to come by and watch Sophie until the "real" babysitter arrives, just in case?

Hang in there. Not too much longer now. (I have a friend who was due one week after you, but she delivered yesterday!) Keep thinking positive thoughts, and I'll be thinking some for you, too!

7:06 PM  
Blogger go said...

Simone I'm thinking of you and wish you the best possible baby arrival, you were super brave last time around, i kept reading your blog when i was in my last weeks for inspiration, so rational and you'll do it again. Cant wait to hear all about it!

12:33 AM  

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