December 02, 2004

Jury Duty

Today was my first day of Jury Duty. I really want to be chosen for a trial. Really really want to be chosen. I was feeling lucky. I had to get there at 8:45am. Not loving the early time. But any day off of work is a good day. Arrived. Sat. Read. Watched the video. Laughed at people trying desperately to get excused.

I was finally called into a trial around 11am. We waited. And waited. Then we were called into the courtroom. We sat as they explained the fine points of a trial to us. It was so cool. Just like on TV and the movies. I felt like I was part of Law & Order! They threw all the name cards into a tumbler and I was called within 1 minute. How excited I was! This is my chance. My day to finally contribute to our judicial system! Or so I thought.

We sat in the jury box. A microphone was passed around as the judge asked us questions. I was so nervous. My heart beating fast, palms sweaty. What the hell was I so nervous about? I felt like I was on trial. Simple questions: Where do you live? Marital status? Occupation? We all gave our answers. Broke for lunch (Sweet n' Tart w/ Eugene!). When we returned we filed in again. The defense lawyer asked us questions. Not directly, just to the group as a whole, which I thought was odd. Then they dismissed us. Called us back in 10 minutes later and then called out names of who was chosen as juror. I quickly realized they were selecting all the jurors in a row. I was number 6. Damn. I couldn't believe it. THEY DIDN'T CHOOSE ME!!! WHAT DID I DO WRONG??? TOO OLD? TOO YOUNG? TOO WHITE? TOO FEMALE? WHAT??? I failed. I don't know how, but my chance is up. Well, there's always tomorrow.


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