June 08, 2007

I guess Sophie likes her crib

She slept 10 1/2 hours straight, woke up to eat, and now is still sleeping for another 2 hours plus. Wow-I wish I slept so well!

Today is yet another hot Friday. It seems every Friday here in NYC is 90 degrees plus. Unfortunately Sophie is quite the sweaty baby so we'll have to limit our excursions or at least stop into a store or two to cool off. Which is fine by me as my ankle/foot is messed up and I can't walk too much anyway. It seems the arthritis like pains that plagued me several years ago throughout the Summer have returned. It was never officially diagonosed even with the numerous doctors and specialists I saw. Sounds like a case for Dr. House.

Happy two months Sophie! Mama loves you : )


Blogger Shaina Rotstein said...

Happy 2 months sweaty Sophie!! :) Glad you're liking your big girl crib!

5:19 PM  
Blogger irideout said...

Wow, sleeping 10 1/2 hours already! Go, Sophie!

8:43 PM  

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