February 11, 2005

I hate Time Warner

I rushed home last night to meet the cable guy. He was due between 6-9pm. I get off of work at 6:00. So I bolted home and was in the door by 6:30. I checked the VM and only had one message from Time Warner earlier in the day confirming the app't. Phew. I made it. So I waited.

Around 6:45 I checked my caller ID and noticed there was a call from Time Warner at 6:10pm. Uh oh. I called them back and asked if the tech was still coming. She put me on hold. I started getting nervous. She came back on and said he was there at 6:10 and there was no answer. He said he called and left a message. There was no message at 6:10 I told her. She put me on hold again to see if he could come back out. After a minute of waiting she said they only go back if I call within 15 minutes. DAMMIT! If I called as soon as I got home I would've had a new DVR cable box that actually works. Instead I have a piece o' crap box that doesn't record ANYTHING.

We rescheduled for next Thursday. I told her I was very unhappy. I felt like I was going to cry. I'm so tired of this crap not working. It's funny. 2 weeks ago I didn't even have the ability to record shows. But now that I had it for a little while, then it was taken away from me, I'm a raving lunatic! And of course most of this anger is based on my not being able to tape my Buffy episodes.

Maybe I'll go down to the Time Warner Center tomorrow and wait another 2 hrs for a new box.



Blogger Spo0kybear said...

I would return the damn thing and then threaten time warner to go satellite. at least you can get DVR...i need a land phoneline...direct tv sux

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we've had all around good luck with the DVR, but my friend Vince had his box crash and burn over 3 times. he finally just gave up on it an returned it.

actually, as much as i adore the DVR, we mostly just use it as a simpsons-rerun storage device.


5:11 PM  

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