May 12, 2005

Not enough time

There is just not enough time to do anything. I hate that I have to be at work for 9 hours. Why can't I have a 9-5 job? That extra hour could really benefit me.

Last night I got home at 6:40. Went running from 7-8:15 in Central Park. Got home, showered, helped David make dinner from 8:30-9. Ate from 9-9:15. Watched Lost on my DVR (good one by the way). Then my nephew called at 10:30 and I helped him with blog stuff until 11:30. Ugh. Then it was past my bedtime and I woke up once again tired as hell. It seems lately I wake up in the middle of the night because I am bored with sleeping. Or maybe I'm just bored with my dream and want to move onto the next one. Whatever the reason I woke up several time and was exhausted when I finally had to get up for work.

What I'm thinking is, how am I ever going to have time to do what I want to do AND raise children. It is very scary and I totally understand what Rachel means about the fear of having children and losing one's sense of self. So scary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess that's when you quit your job and become a stay at home mom and hire a nanny so you can have some alone time. :-)

12:24 PM  
Blogger Simone said...

yes, if we were wealthy we'd do that :(

7:34 PM  
Blogger irideout said...

Man, I totally hear you. When I had a "real job", I usually got home at 6:30 PM or later, and like you said, you just barely have time to cook dinner, eat it, and clean up, and maybe you can do one other thing - like go running, or watch TV, or read - and then it's bedtime! You can't get anything done.

Another option is that you can become a TEACHER! :) It's amazing how much more time you have when you get home at 4 PM.

4:36 PM  
Blogger irideout said...

Oh, I just read that short essay by Rachel, and I think it's a lovely piece of writing!

I think it's really brave and honest of her to make a decision to not have kids because it shows her type of selflessness. A lot of people will say, "Moms are selfless because they have to put themselves last," and some people might even say, "If you don't have kids, you're being selfish because you want to focus on yourself." But I think there are moms out there who have kids for selfish reasons - because they are expected to, or because they figure a baby will make them happy when nothing else does - and then they end up being selfish anyway, and they hire a nanny to raise their kids instead of spending time with their kids themselves, or if they can't afford a nanny, they resent their kids for taking away their purple paisley pea coat.

I think when you decide to have kids, you definitely need to be in the right place to be mentally prepared to have your whole life turned upside-down. I mean, I'm not even mom yet, but in all the thinking and reading I've done so far, I think the first advice I'd give my friends who aren't parents yet is to say, "Make sure you're BOTH READY to have kids, and are BOTH willing to make the necessary changes in your lives and lifestyles."

4:52 PM  

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