March 04, 2006

Crash and burn

Just finished watching two movies. One, really fun and original. The other, a total piece of crap that I hope I never, EVER have to see or hear about again.

First we watched Kung Fu Hustle. Every scene was full of action, comedy and fun. We both loved it and thought it was so well done. It was so inventive and unlike anything I've ever seen. Seemed like a live action cartoon.

The next was Crash. Oh. My. God. Please just shoot me now. What a piece of shit that was. From the first five minutes David and I knew it sucked. It was like a 12 yr old wrote it. So over the top in your face stupid. Oh, the irony of it all? As if! Ridiculously predictable. So poorly written. A complete waste of good talent. How does something like this even make it into the theatres? And to be nominated for an Oscar? Are they fucking kidding me? You can't tell me there aren't better movies out this past year. What an insult. What a Magnolia wannabe. YOU SUCK PAUL HAGGIS. Dude, do us all a favor and please quit your day job.

(sorry for the cursing, I just get really mad when I waste 2 hours of my precious life on such doggie doo)


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