September 28, 2006


So I guess I haven't really talked about how I'm feeling during this first trimester, which I might add, seems to go on F-O-R-E-V-E-R. We went to the Dr on Tuesday for my monthly checkup (Friday's ultrasound was at the hospital for the Nuchal Translucency Test). I told him how on Friday they measured that I should be 13 weeks by now, but he disagreed and said the measurment he first took at 8 weeks is more accurate. I beg to differ. But he is the doc so I obliged. The due date stands at April 7, 2007. I am now 12 weeks 5 days.

Can I just say that I can't WAIT for the second trimester to begin. The nausea, the extreme tiredness-so much so that sometimes I wonder how I'm going to make it across the street, the heartburn/indegestion, the constipation, the gas pains, the bloating, the crankiness, just everything! I told David that whatever you don't want, you get more of in pregnancy. But I know it's all for the greater good of having a little one so I will do what I have to do.

The thing that I think I hate the most is the constant peeing! I must get up 3 to 4 times a night to go. I NEVER wake up in the morning feeling rested. David said it will get better. No I told him, I will not sleep from now until that child is past the toddler stage. It's all downhill from here as far as sleep is concerned.

The symptoms began to subside end of last week. I was thrilled! I finally thought I will begin to really enjoy the pregnancy. But then this Monday BAM! it's back. More tiredness and nausea than EVER. What the hell? At least I've never gotten to the point where I've gotten sick like some women. I guess it aint so bad after all. And my belly is showing a little (already wearing maternity stuff!) so that is good news. Thankfully I loaded up on stuff from Target and Old Navy over the weekend. Gotta love 'em!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

any chance you've tried preggie pops? p tried them for a week and it seemed to help. then we found out she had tmj- but exercises and yoga helped that out and now she feels good. and check it out... we might have little ones with the same bday!

1:34 PM  
Blogger Simone said...

That's great news! Haven't tried them, I will look it up. Thanks : )

2:35 PM  
Blogger Brandon said...


4:50 PM  
Blogger irideout said...

Hey wait!!! If E says you guys might have little ones with the same birthday... Does that mean P is expecting too!??!?! I suppose that's a question for HIS blog... so I'll re-direct from here... ;)

Anyhoo, your pregnancy sounds like mine!! It's true that every woman's pregnancy is different, but if yours really is like mine, then it WILL get better!! ...Before it gets worse again. ;) But even with the inconveniences of the third trimester (peeing more, just being big, indigestion), it was still WAY better than the first trimester, plus you feel so happy just because you can feel your baby move and all that fun stuff. Unfortunately, I can't offer any optimism when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. The constant peeing hasn't stopped for me. Ever since being pregnant, I still get up once or twice a night to pee. I haven't had a good night's sleep since before pregnancy, either. :(

Hang in there. You're almost into the "honeymoon" trimester! It really does get better. :)

8:14 PM  
Blogger Simone said...

Thanks Irene. I was actually going to email you out of frustration to ask that very question. You've made me feel a lot better. Can't wait for the next couple of weeks! I'll keep you posted.

And yes, I do believe P =preg : )

9:05 PM  

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