April 06, 2007


Went for a sonogram and then Dr appointment this morning. Sonogram went well, plenty of fluid and baby looks very healthy. But then we went to the Dr's and still no progress. Baby is still very high up, no dialation, no effacement. No signs that labor is anytime soon. So that stinks. Dr is also concerned about the the baby's high weight. So am I. Induction is still scheduled for next Friday, so if nothing else we'll have our baby by Saturday the 14th. But the baby is only going to get bigger, so that is a little scary for me. But Dr said he will do his best to ensure I have natural delivery. I told him I'm up for the challenge as well!

I must admit this was all discouraging news, but we will try and think positive as things can change overnight. So for now I'll continue walking for at least an hour a day and hope baby comes down soon.

Wow, I'm gonna be a Mommy in a week. Very exciting. Baby Monkey, COME ON DOWN!


Blogger Brandon said...

Im still waiting too, for the phone call saying that the baby has been delivered!! I hope its soon and everythings healthy and good! Also about the weight thingy..Good luck..I will pray for you!

10:44 PM  

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