September 19, 2005


So I'm feeling OK now. But sometimes I'm not. If someone comes over to me at work who already knows my situation, I'm OK talking about it. But if I have to tell people for the first time, I get upset. I guess it's saying the words "I have lost the baby" that really make it sink in.

I just told the lady at the corner deli that there is no more baby.I had told them I was pregnant on one of our daily coffee breaks. I know it may seem strange to some that I would share this with the corner deli people. But when you go there everyday for years you become friendly with people. Anyway, when I told her I almost started crying. When I left the deli a woman was walking down the street with a newborn in a stroller. That didn't help things much either.

So I guess I'm not completely ok yet. It will take time.


Blogger Jen said...

What you are feeling is totally normal Simone.
You don't have to be OK yet. You don't have to be OK until you really feel OK, and even then you might not feel really OK!
Did that make sense?
I know how hard it is to tell people who don't know.
It's OK to cry.
You lost your baby.
It's heartbreaking.
On a Monday non the less.
I wish you a speedy rest of the week!

9:13 PM  

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