Four Months
Other than that he is doing well. He weighed in at 15 lbs 1 oz at his 4 month appointment and is now 25" long! He's smiling and laughing, trying to roll over. He successfully rolled from his back to his tummy twice in one day, and then from his tummy to his back another day. But since hasn't done either! He now grabs his feet when he rolls around and squeals a bit which is really cute. Still, he seems so much less animated when compared with Sophie of course, as she is just so incredibly active! I'm still having a hard time juggling my time between the two of them, work and home. I always feel like I'm disappointing someone. Some days I'm so stressed by 5pm and so ready for David to come home, but he's been working late hours lately so often hasn't been coming home until 7 or 8 o'clock. Needless to say once I put them down for sleep I collapse on the couch and veg out with mindless TV.
The weather is finally warming up ever so slightly, 50 degrees this weekend! Even this small increase is just so promising of what's to come.