December 31, 2006

Christmas in Miami

Christmas was wonderful as always. And I got some really awesome gifts! It was so nice to get away and relax. What I didn't expect was the wave of tiredness that overcame me once I got there. Everyday I had to nap and had low energy. Now that I'm back it seems to have subsided. Maybe it was the heat? It was hot. But not sunny : ( I was kind of bummed that we weren't able to get any beachtime in. But we did get lots of family and friend time so that is whats more important. The Wii was a hit as expected. Everyone really got into it. I feel like I should take it everywhere I go! it seems to bring peace and harmony to everyone : )

Enjoy New Years Eve everyone and be safe. 2007 is gonna rock!

December 21, 2006

Off to Miami-WOOHOOOO!!

Today we're (finally) off too Miami for the weekend. Looking forward to relaxing, not working, eating and seeing family & friends.

Last weekend was a whirlwind of shopping all around town. The crowds around midtown were RIDICULOUS. And why the hell do tourists walk so damn slow? Anyhoo, my bad back + 2 days of non-stop shopping=exhaustion. Luckily Eugene came with me on Friday and was my 'bag boy' and David was with me on Saturday to lug the stuff around. Still, I was so tired afterwards. But, it's all done. 95% of it anyway. Still not feeling completely in the spirit of things.

Sunday we went to see our friend Michael Storrings signing his big shinyballs> ;-) Once again he has some beautiful designs this year. Unfortunately we had to refrain from buying any as this will be our last Christmas tree. Baby Monkey will be celebrating Hannukah here at home once he/she arrives. We got a beautiful Menorah this weekend though!

December 14, 2006


Where is my Christmas spirit? I think it hasn't arrived yet for several reasons

1-I'm pregnant and I got my very own big Chrismtas gift in the oven! Seriously though, it's hard to get excited about the holidays when I have so much else on my mind : )

2-It's warm outside! It was almost 60 degrees today. What the hell? I know I complain when it's too cold. And I guess also when it's too hot. But what the hell is going on over here? Hard to think Christmas when your'e sweating with a jacket on.

3-No shopping yet! But tomorrow I have taken the day off and hope to get all my shopping done in one swoop. Only problem is I pulled my back this morning and now I'm worried my shopping day will be limited. Aack!

I'm excited to go to Miami next week and share my belly with family and friends. And just to get away for a few days will be great. And then there's the food. My Mom's roast duck on Christmas Eve, her french toast Christmas morning. That's what I'm talking about!

December 09, 2006

Early Christmas Gift

Last weekend we had our friends over for a holiday get together. Best of all our Goddaughter Lola was there. What a cutie! She is such a joy to watch running around and pushing any button she could find. She's so sweet and loving, falling asleep on any available shoulder. Her brother Angel was also over and had quite a few tantrums. Such cute kids. It was great seeing everyone. And the Wii is such a hit when you have friends over!

Celvyn gave me an early Christmas gift- Radiohead and The Cure Lullabys on CD! They are awesome. The website has tons of artists available, even Metallica! Each CD has a collection of songs in lullaby style that are so relaxing. David and I listened to RH that night and fell asleep like little babies. Thanks Cel! : )

December 08, 2006

Bye Bye Fall

With this cold blast the last two days and temps in the low 20's (gasp!) I realized I never posted about our Thanksgiving weekend. It was wonderful. Dinner was great, and the best part was all I had to do was eat and enjoy, no cooking for me this year! The turkey was great as were all the fixings. David's Mom and Gramma did a great job preparing everything.

The Saturday after was such a gorgeous and mild day that David and I decided to head over to our favorite place in Long Island, Caumsett State Historic Park. Back in the day before we were married and living on LI we used to go there all the time. In the Spring we'd take the walk to the end to see the new blooms rising up and smell the onion grass. In the Summer we would take our bikes and ride around and finish off with a picnic in the grass. And the Fall we would take our last walk of the year to see the leaves changing and say goodbye to mild weather. Whatever the season it is a very special place to us.

It was wonderful to return. You begin with a walk by the stables and say hello to the horses out in the pasture. Then through the tree shaded path for about a mile and a half until you reach the end, with the massive Marshall Field estate overlooking the Long Island sound down below and views of Connecticut off in the distance.

December 01, 2006

Happy December

Yey, December 1st is here. I'm working from home today, so it'll give me a chance to clean up the apartment as we're having friends over tomorrow for a get together. AND get my Christmas tree : ) I know I've said it before, but I LOVE Fresh Direct grocery delivery. I ordered eveything for the party, including a fruit and cheese plate, to be delivered tomorrow morning. It's just so simple and convenient when you live in the city, and don't have the luxury of driving to a grocery store, loading up the trunk and driving home, even more so now that I'm pregnant and can't lift heavy things. And I KNOW it'll really come in handy once baby monkey is here :)

My belly is constantly getting bigger. I must admit, I didn't think I'd be this big at 5 months, and can't even begin to imagine how big I will get towards the end. Per my doctor I've gained too much weight, 19 lbs, and he wants me to eliminate ALL sugar. Yeah right. I have cut down, and to be honest I really don't eat much to begin with, so we'll see how I do next visit on the 19th. I'm not yet at the 'pigging out' stage and just eat normal for the most part, but every meal must consist of a lot of protein or I remain hungry. Which sounds about right as I'm supposed to have 60 grams of protein a day!

It also seems I'm constantly getting new maternity clothes. I've grown out of the first round of clothes (mainly pants) as I'm not longer in the barely showing category. So went to Gap this week and scored a great coat on sale that'll definitely last me through the third trimester. AND I think they under charged me for it! :-P Also got some over the belly pants at half price which are definitely more comfortable than the demi panel style I was wearing.

Oh, and baby monkey is moving quite a lot lately a few times a day. Very cool stuff.