Tonight is Earth Hour! Turn off your lights and have some quiet time by candlelight for one hour tonight from 8pm-9pm. Surely you can spare one hour of your life to save some energy and create worldwide awareness of our global climate concerns. Play a board game, take a bath, read, or take part in some "extra-curricular" activities ;-) Just do it!
Spent a wonderful weekend in LI with the family. David's Aunt & Uncle visited from Trinidad and we also got to see my cousin and family for Easter breakfast followed by Sophie's first Easter egg hunt! She loved playing with the kids and getting lots and lots of attention of course. And after some guidance she figured out that she needed to put the eggs into the basket. Here she is with her 2nd Cousin Sophie. And taking a break after the exhausting hunt.
Sophie turned 11 months last week. Already she's seeming more like a toddler and less like a baby. She walks/almost runs everywhere. Seems to turn 'deaf' when we're calling her name or saying no to something she knows not to do, and points to the Cheerios box when she's hungry. Still no real words, although she did say cat about a month ago, which she hasn't repeated much lately. Just a lot of "bah" "dah" "gah"'s.
We finally rented the first season of Heroes on Netflix and it's awesome. We're only 4 shows into the season but I can't wait to see what happens next. Great characters and story. And there's a "Simone" in the show!
I've been doing Weight Watchers to jump start my losing the extra 15 I'm carrying around. I'm not really a member, but Shaina is helping me with the points system and what to do and so far it's going ok. I definitely lost a few pounds as my pants are looser, but we don't own a scale so I won't know until I weigh myself this weekend in LI.
This Democratic race is dragging on forever and seems it's going to go to the bitter end in August. Definitely not what I hoped for, nor anyone else. It's getting dirtier and dirtier, but of course less so at the hands of Obama than the others. But that's to be expected.
Here's a video I just took a few minutes ago of Sophie playing with her Fisher Price Laugh n' Learn Puppy,.Of course I know all these songs by heart now.
Spent the weekend in Long Island with the family. But our poor Sophie was sick and miserable so it wasn't all fun and games. All last week she had fever, slept terribly waking and moaning every few hours, but not much else. A little throwing up, but she was still eating fine. This weekend she had no fever but LOTS of crying for reasons we couldn't figure out. We finally called the Dr's office Saturday night as we couldn't bare to hear her cry in pain anymore. The nurse said it may be the tail end of a virus and she could be having stomach cramps or the formula could be bothering her. We decided to giver her Tylenol and gas drops and they really seemed to help. Today she seems back to her normal smiling self. It's so horrible to see your little ones in pain. And it really sucks when they can't speak and communicate what ails them. It also sucked because I had to work in the office all 5 days last week so I wasn't able to be home with her to comfort her.
I did get to do some shopping and finally got some new clothes for work. I've been wearing the same old 4 shirts since being back from maternity leave and was in desperate need of something new. I still have the last 15 pounds to lose though, and still plan to take care of it, so I didn't want to spend too much. Man I love Marshall's. I also got a nice haircut from David's Mom. I've wanted some bangs for awhile but whenever I went to get my haircut at a salon it always seemed to look the same afterwards. FINALLY someone understood what I wanted, and best of all it was free! She did a great job and I really love it : )