First day of Spring and it's snowing! Well I can remember years back we had a huge snow storm on this day so it's not so much of a surprise. Especially after this dismal Winter we've had. SO glad it's over. Even though temperatures are just in the 40's now, it's still a world of difference from 10's and 20's.
Work has been super busy for both David & I. More so him, but now his busy season is winding down for a bit. Sophie is almost a 2 year old and certainly has MUCH more energy than she did before, if that is even possible. She is literally running around and talking nonstop from morning to night. Still a great sleeper sleeping 11-12 hours a night, with a 2 hour nap midday. Boy I'll miss those nap when they go away. I'm starting to wonder if I should start potty training soon. Lately she's been telling me when she's doing poopies or pee pee, so I think I may get a potty soon to start the process and get her used to it. From all I heard I'm not looking forward to it though!
She definitely has a bit of a language explosion now. I think she runs through all the words she knows every single day, with me trying to add a few a day to her list. Still no three word phrases, but doing great with the two and one words at least. And she just seems so eager to learn what everything is called and how things work. Especially cooking. Maybe she'll be making ME eggs soon. Very exciting to watch.
Jenny & Erik came over last weekend with their great news of being pregnant and due in September. We spent the whole day with them and they got a real taste of life with an almost 2 year old. It's going to be great seeing them as parents as they seem real naturals. Just look at the pic of Jenny reading to Sophie!
Still looking forward to moving in July. I check Craigslist constantly just to see what's out there. But still a lot of research will be involved for school districts, neighborhoods and prices. Still, very exciting. Preferably I'd like to live in the Hell's Kitchen area, close to our work and still within walking distance to Central Park. I can't imagine being too far from our beloved park.
We have a trip to Trinidad coming up end of July for our cousin Tricia's wedding which I'm really looking forward to. Although getting David on that plane is going to be a realy challenge that I'm quite nervous about! Still, really looking forward to being with family and friends and introducing Sophie to everyone and the island.