July 30, 2007

Happy Birthday

to me

July 26, 2007

Like Mother Like Daughter

July 23, 2007

WTB and HP7

I finally picked up my HP7 last night. The pre-Mommy Simone would've seen the movie opening night as well as waited in line at midnight Friday to buy the book. The new Simone can't stay up past midnight let alone get out to the movies. But I was happy to get the book last night and even though I only read the first few pages I am loving it so far. It's so nice to be back in the HP world. I will try and read when Sophie naps and hopefully finish in the next week or so before someone spoils the ending for me.

Yesterday we met up with Rachelpink & Henry at the Water Taxi Beach. It was hotter than I expected and we had to stay in the shaded tent area which kinda sucked. I don't know why their picnic tables don't have umbrellas. The place has the potential to be lots of fun with sand and volleyball, hot dogs and pina coladas, beautiful views of the Manhattan skyline and the East River, and even a DJ! I think next time we'll go later in the evening as little Sophie can't take the heat and neither can we. But it was nice to get out and see Rachel and Henry.

Sophie is now rolling over onto her belly in her crib. This is good and bad. Good because she is progressing as she should. Bad because now she wakes up crying as she can't turn back! On Saturday she woke at 1am crying hysterically because she was stuck. Last night we continually tried to put her to sleep on her back, but she would immediately roll over and then cry. We finally put her to sleep in the swing, then transferred her to the crib on her back and she slept through the night until 6:30am, woke to eat, then went back to sleep until 10! Boy did we both need the sleep. You go girl!

July 19, 2007

It's my Berfday mompth!

I guess I should post something since it's been awhile. Can't believe July is half over. And I haven't even started the festivities for my big day on the 30th yet.

Not much to report. STILL haven't seen Harry Potter but I will soon dammit. And the book, oooooh the book, can't wait. But I don't get all the fuss about so and so who received it a day early. Big whoop. Just don't tell me who dies and I'm happy.

I'm halfway through HARD on Guitar Hero 2. AND the follow up 80's Guitar Hero was released this week and someone better get it for me for my birthday which is in 11 days by the way. So yeah, hard is pretty damn hard and I can only skim by and get a measley 3 stars on each song but at least I'm able to finish. My left hand is shot though and I doubt I'll ever be able to use it again once I'm done with this godforsaken game. A nice bionic hand for my birthday would sure come in handy and it'll get me all psyched up for The Bionic Woman premiering this Fall.

Oh, and my kid is good too. Fourteen weeks tomorrow.

July 11, 2007

Hands taste yummy!

Is this for real?

July 07, 2007

Week in Review

Here's what we did this week BEFORE I got Guitar Hero 2.

Two weekends ago Jenny & Erik finally got to meet Sophie! We had a nice brunch and then played some Scrabble in Central Park. It was such a lovely Summer day.

We stayed on Long Island last weekend for a family wedding. Everyone got some good quality Sophie time in, and she was very comfortable in her crib at Granma/Granpa's house which was great. Since my post on the 29th she hasn't been sleeping through the night anymore though. Now she wakes up around 2:30 for a feeding which totally sucks! What happened to my perfect little sleeper who was sleeping 8-6? I hope it's just a phase but we'll have to wait and see.

After the wedding on Sunday we went over to my cousin Dagmar's house for their goodbye party as they are moving to Texas in a week or two. It was one big sobfest saying goodbye to them. I still can't believe they are leaving. Of course we wish them well in the Lone Star State, but we are so sad to see them go : (

On Monday we stayed on LI so we could take Sophie and my Mom to Caumsett Park. We had a great time walking and picnicking. But Sophie missed the whole trip as she slept a whopping 4 hours the entire time we were there. Oh well, next time around I guess. It was still nice to enjoy the park.

On Wednesday we headed over to Henry's for a 4th of July get together. He has an AMAZING view of the East River and the fireworks show was spectacular. Good friends, great veggies and mini burgers on his new smokeless indoor grill, and best of all-I discovered Guitar Hero 2. God Bless America!

Anyhoo, here are some pics of the goings on. As you can see Auntie Jenny and Sophie get along great. Sophie almost looks as though she could be Jenny's baby! : )

July 06, 2007





(but I've almost beat Medium!)

July 05, 2007