June 30, 2006

I'm sooooo outta here

I'm outtie at 1pm. I hope. Have a nice holiday weekend everyone.

Go Argentina!

June 27, 2006

New England is a callin'

So in two days we are on vacation. Well, kinda. Going to Andover, MA for the wedding of David's second cousin Randi & her man Jeff. Then off to Cape Cod for some R&R with my man. We will be staying at the lovely Ashley Manor. Luckily they had one room left, their very best, just for us. So it's booked. And I can't wait to get away from it all and relax. But...

But I will miss soccer! What's a girl to do? Matthew thinks we can sneak off from the wedding to find a TV somewhere. But I think it's kinda rude. But, I will look anyway. Gotta sneak away from my desk on Friday to catch the Argentina-Germany game. That'll be a doozie. I am going to have some serious soccer withdrawl come the week after next. And to think I've missed 34 years of this stuff!

Work is nutty. We have an Italian exchange student who is with us for one month doing an internship. My boss seems to think we are all responsible for this guy since he's 17. Uh, no. He can survive in the Big Apple all by himself. He's from Milan of all places! That's kinda big. But he's sweet. And a cutie. And hopefully he will teach me some Italian. Or cook for me.

Oh, and new on my list of favorite things-my new iPod Shuffle that I got just for running. Soooo small. Soooo light. Like I'm wearing nothing at all! Stupid, sexy Flanders.

AND Coca-Cola Blak. Like Coke, with coffee, lots o' caffeine, and a hint of chocolate flavor me thinks. All that for only 45 calories. Wooo!

June 22, 2006


I can't get enough. How have I missed out on this joy all my life?

Luckily I work for BT so it's kinda ok for us to watch any USA or England games on the TV during work hours. Like this morning! Then, during lunch I go to the gym and catch at least half of another game! And when I get home, David and I watch games that I DVR'd during the day!

I must say I LOVE Brazil. They are so amazing. Make it all look effortless. But you gotta root for the underdogs, like Ghana. Not too shabby those Ghanaese (?) But the most attractive teams to watch are definitely Italy and the Aussies. I like me some Socceroo's and spaghetti : )

June 21, 2006


Finally got some more memory (80 Gig!) on our computer and loaded up with Tiger. So pretty. But, in all not really different. Yet, I still feel like we have a new computer. Still have connection issues with the screen though. Half the time we start up the screen is black. Maybe we'll head over to get it fixed sometime this weekend.

Tonight I'm running the Corporate Run in Central Park. Should be fun. Only three miles. Good news is I'm down five pounds! Woohooo for me. All this running is finally working. About time, I felt like I was in such a rut.

Don't forget to watch USA play in the World Cup tomorrow morning against Ghana. Should be good.

At least better than that awful Trinidad game yesterday :-/

June 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Brandon!

Happy BIG 1-4 to my nephew Brandon down in Miami! He has an action packed weekend planned-swimming with dolphins, jet skiing, video game playing and of course Olive Garden eating!

Happy birthday cutie. I love you : )

June 13, 2006

Everything In It's Right Place


01 You And Whose Army
02 The National Anthem
03 2+2=5
04 15 Step
05 Morning Bell
06 Arpeggi
07 Videotape
08 Kid A
09 Fake Plastic Trees
10 Climbing Up The Walls
11 Nude
12 Bangers 'N Mash
13 Idioteque
14 There There
15 Street Spirit
16 Bodysnatchers
17 Lucky

Encore 1
18 I Might Be Wrong
19 Down Is The New Up
20 The Bends
21 Everything In Its Right Place

Encore 2
22 House of Cards
23 How to Disappear Completely

Alas, no Let Down. It is now my great white whale. My holy grail.

Show was phenomenal. In the beginning I thought-I've seen this all before. And I have, most of it anyway. But there were a few great surprises thrown in and a handful of new stuff that made it even better. Lots o' stuff from Kid A, Climbing up the Walls which was amazing, Street Spirit (Henry), The Bends!, and the beautiful finale How to Disappear Completely. Although I had to sit by myself, with Celvyn far on the other side, it was kinda nice, just me and my boys on stage. And I was glad to be amongst true fans all around.

Can't wait to see them again. Such geniuses.

A chemical reaction

Guess who's going to Radiohead tonight?! Woohooo for me and Cel!

I wonder if they will play my alltime favorite song EVER, Let Down? Based on recent performances I'd say we have a 25% chance. David says it won't be good live. How can it not? It's a perfect song. Pure bliss. Everything that's good in life wrapped up in a 4:59 bundle. I can't wait!!

I'm LOVING the World Cup. Doesn't matter who's playing, it's all good fun. Poor Ghana couldn't keep up with the fast (and HOT!) Italians yesterday. Looking forward to watching some more games that I DVR everyday. I have no choice. Luckily though, I work for a British company, so the games are always showing on our lunchroom TV. I wonder if we'll get the day off when the Brits play?

I've decided to rev up my workout. One month of running 6 miles, 3-4 times a week. And what do I have to show for it? One pound lost. WTF? Normally by this time I'd be five pounds down. Damn mid-thirties SUCK! So I've decided to go to the gym on my off running days and try this eliptical I keep hearing about. I've also sped up my running time a bit. Wish me luck. Pounds be dammed, you WILL go away.

June 06, 2006

Heil Celvyn

Happy D-Day everyone. Wow, what an action packed, memorable day this will be! First we got D-Day, the day we commemorate when the US finally got their asses together to do something about WWII, then we got the good ol' Satan hanging around, and not just in the theatres mind you, we have the real Antichrist living right here in Astoria, Queens!

Happy birthday Führer Spookybear McBlogster : )

May you spare the Upper West Side when you wreack havoc on the earth today.

June 05, 2006

Weekend rundown

Ok, so here we go...

Got off work early Friday, 1pm, which is just oh so wonderful. Went to the gym. Went home and watched a few episodes of Battlestar Galactica w/ the hubby. Made my own chicken fingers. Oh so delicious. My second time using Rachel Ray's cookbook. Thank you Mummy!!

Saturday, nothing. And we loved it. Cleaned up the apartment, bought some new double curtain rods at BB&B, watched Gosford Park. Damn I love that movie. Excellent stuff. Converted my second Buffy episode to iPod video format so I can watch my shows on the go. But apple has done something to mess up the format. So I hit 'reformat' like they recommended and, 36 hours later! , it is finally reformatted. WTF!?!

Sunday, ran in the park. Put up the curtains finally. Wow what a difference it makes putting them up higher and having a double rod. Met up w/ Henry, Jenny & Erik for ribs n' DaVinci Code. Both pretty good. Not great. Not terrible.

Now first thing today my nephew leaves me a voicemail "call me back. something bad happened". Mind is racing. Thinking horrible thoughts. Turn out my brother's new Mustang Cobra was stolen. Again. Well, this is the second Mustang stolen from his lot. He is pissed. I feel bad. When I spoke to Brandon I said "Damn, that's terrible. But I told him it could happen again". He then yells to my brother "Dad, Simone said she told you so" LOL. You're too funny Brandon. I'm sure that's the last thing he wanted to hear!

But at least he has good insurance this time.

Now on to Mustang #10...sorry Ben : (

June 04, 2006

Happy Birthday Eugyloo!


Don't worry about the big scary number, it doesn't mean anything. It's just a number after all : )