March 30, 2006

I did it!

I just slept 7 hours straight. I think Irene's idea of not drinking anything for a few hours before bedtime helped. Or maybe I was just so damn tired from the other nights that I actually slept from 11-6. Mind you, my alarm was set for 7:10 but it'll do.

Lost was pretty good last night. Finally something that moves at more than a snails pace.

And today is supposed to reach 70 degrees and sunny. Why oh why do I have to work? I need a day or two off. Real soon.

March 27, 2006

Something to add to my Netflix list

Just because it's on my mind.

Oh the good ol' days. How I miss the simple things from back in the day.

Sleepless in New York

I used to pride myself on always being able to sleep. Usually within seconds of hitting the pillow I was out like a light. It amazed David. It amazes me.

Lately I go to sleep no problem. In the middle of the night, usually around 3AM-4AM, I wake up to go to the bathroom as usual, but cannot for the life of me go back to sleep. This has been going on for a couple of weeks. With one exception.

Since David was sick all last week I was sleeping in the second bedroom so as not to get his cold. For the most part I slept fine. But I moved back into our room last night and woke up around 3:30AM once again and couldn't get back to sleep until 6:30AM!! Only to have to wake up at 7:30 to go to work. That's three hours of laying in the darkness trying to sleep. I moved to the other room hoping that would help. No dice. I don't have this issue on the weekends, so I know it has to be work related.

The last two weeks have been the most stressful I've dealt with since working at my new job. Three new people to train. My turn to be in charge of "THE BOX" where I have to divide out all the work in the group, be responsible for making sure it's all done, as well as doing my own work that I never to seem to have time to do. It was incredibly stressful. But now my time for THE BOX is over until mid-April. So why can't I sleep? Maybe I was nervous because today and tomorrow I am in Leadership training. Maybe I'm nervous because deep down I don't think I really want to be a leader? Or do I? I didn't like the stress and uneasiness the last two weeks afforded me.

So now of course I am exhausted. Only about 4 hours of sleep just doesn't work for me. So tonight I will try again and hope for the best.

Anyone have any remedies for insomnia that have worked for them in the past? No hot milk. I'm lactose intolerant. So I'm up for anything else you may have to offer!

March 20, 2006

Playing Doctor

We were stuck home all weekend as my poor husband had a terrible cold & fever. So it was TV/movie weekend. I did manage to go out for a bit to shop on my own, but other than that nothing too eventful happened.

Saw The Human Stain and Walk The Line. First one was ok, not as good as I thought it would be. I just didn't think the ending was that shocking. And I still don't really get it. I guess I'd give it 2 out of 4 stars.

Walk The Line was pretty good. Nothing great though. But that Reese is so darn cute who couldn't love her? But I feel like all these movies about music legends are all pretty much the same. Person gets famous too soon. Person gets into drugs. Person cheats on spouse. Person gets divorced. Person goes through rehab. Person dies. Still, it was entertaining and they did a great job with the singing and all. Still, I wish Joaquin would grown some shoulders already.

March 13, 2006


If I could pick one channel that I had to watch, it would be the Discovery Health Channel. At least once a week we watch this channel in amazement. Our favorite show? Medical Incredible on Monday nights. They usually feature 5 or 6 different people with highly unsual diseases, abnormalities or unusual treatments that have been developed to treat illnesses. Tonight we saw a baby that was born with 3 legs, a man with tourette's syndrome who had an electrode implanted in his brain and can literally turn on and off his ticks with a remote control, and a father and son who turn their legs backwards and walk! Highlights on other shows have been "I am my own twin" where someone is born with their twin inside of them, "The 160 lb Tumor", and "Pregnant for 50 years" with a woman who had her baby inside her (dead of course) for 50 years before she had it removed!

And on the days when I work from home during day, lots of baby delivery shows! These folks at the Discovery Channel never cease to amaze me.

Now that is reality TV at its finest.

March 07, 2006


On Saturday as David and I were walking to Chinatown for some yummy congee I noticed a wonderful sight. Pushing up through the leaves and grass were lots of green leaves. The crocuses are coming! The crocuses are coming!

On Sunday as we walked through Central Park in Shakespeare's Garden with Eric & Kim we saw actual flowers had bloomed. Oh how I love the crocus! Oh how I love the thought of Winter ending and flowers & trees blooming.

And, now I hear it'll be mid 60's on Saturday! Is this too good to be true? We shall see...

March 04, 2006

And the winner is...

Brokeback Mountain. In my mind at least. We finally saw it tonight. Wish we could've also seen Capote but I guess I'll have to see that on DVD in a couple of weeks.

So, I loved it. Beautifully shot. Amazing performances by everyone involved. It just really took me away and into the time and place. Of course I cried like a baby at the end. And on the way home. But hey, I'm a big softy for love.

It's just such a shame that so many people won't see this for whatever reason. And that so many people can't see past what people do behind closed doors and just see something for what it is-a love story. And yes, they cheated and it was wrong. But they had something so deep and powerful that they couldn't hide from. Or quit from. Or whatever.

Good luck tomorrow Ang! You're a true genius. And I can't wait to see what he does next.

Crash and burn

Just finished watching two movies. One, really fun and original. The other, a total piece of crap that I hope I never, EVER have to see or hear about again.

First we watched Kung Fu Hustle. Every scene was full of action, comedy and fun. We both loved it and thought it was so well done. It was so inventive and unlike anything I've ever seen. Seemed like a live action cartoon.

The next was Crash. Oh. My. God. Please just shoot me now. What a piece of shit that was. From the first five minutes David and I knew it sucked. It was like a 12 yr old wrote it. So over the top in your face stupid. Oh, the irony of it all? As if! Ridiculously predictable. So poorly written. A complete waste of good talent. How does something like this even make it into the theatres? And to be nominated for an Oscar? Are they fucking kidding me? You can't tell me there aren't better movies out this past year. What an insult. What a Magnolia wannabe. YOU SUCK PAUL HAGGIS. Dude, do us all a favor and please quit your day job.

(sorry for the cursing, I just get really mad when I waste 2 hours of my precious life on such doggie doo)