Kerry is so very...
Exhausting week. Been doing lots of exercise-1 Pilates class, 2 weight sessions,2 5 mile runs and even 1 swimming session. Feels good. Feels great actually. Maybe I'm trying to reverse my age since it will be going up yet again tomorrow (ugh).
I've been thoroughly enjoying the DNC. Clinton was spectacular, the man could talk his way into a 3rd term. He is such a powerful speaker. Eug said he got chills listening. And that Obama, our future first black president. I hope he goes far. He seems to have the right stuff. Excellent speaker, really spoke from his heart and soul. But I'm nervous for Kerry's speech tonight. They say it is the single most important speech of his life. I hope he doesn't talk for 30 minutes about his Vietnam period. I'm so tired of hearing about it. We all are. ENOUGH KERRY!
I am unbelievably excited for Curiosa on Saturday. I want to get there EXTRA early to secure my spot right front of Robert so I may be touched yet again. I can't say I like the new album though. I think they should've stopped at Bloodflowers. But I love The Cure more than any band so anything they play will be heaven to my ears. He moves me so...
Finished Season 4 of Buffy. It can be summed up with one word-BAH. Yes, it sucked. I don't understand where they went wrong? Seasons 1-3 were awesome. Then Angel went bye bye, and so did the show. With the exception of Hush, Faith's brief return (the ol' switcharoo) and the one where Oz goes bye bye, it was a big ol' suck-o-thon. And I don't care for Willow's new love either. But I hear Season 5 is better. I hope so.
I'm going to watch the Prom episode again now from Season 3. Listened to Sundays "Wild Horses" on the way home and my eyes welled up with tears. Sometimes I feel like I experienced some of the episodes myself. Maybe I'm taking all this a little too seriously. Maybe I'm just getting old and sentimental.