Yesterday Dave, Henry, Celvyn, Nancy and I did Bike NY. And I have a sore tushy to show for it!
We started late as I wasn't about to line up at 8am in the pouring rain just so we can stand there for 1 hr waiting for the 30,000 bikers to move. So we joined in at 42nd street at 9:30. Little did we know we were the back end of the group. Not much behind us but cleaning crew. Zoiks! So we hauled ass to move up as much as we could. Lost Cel & Nancy along the way but the good ol' cellphone kept us connected.
In all the bike tour was good. Saw some nasty wipeouts along the way. Nothing like fear to keep you moving. We all even managed to do the Verrazano Narrows Bridge without stopping or walking up like those other wusses. Even with the 20mph winds that kept pushing us back. We strong like oxen.
Then it all went to hell. We arrived at the 'festival' site in Staten Island. Festival my ass. Nowhere to sit. Long long long lines for food. Nothing for free. Complete waste. We wanted to eat so we decided to leave and take the ferry back and have lunch in Manhattan, where the food is good. So we waited. And waited. Along with thousands of other cyclists we stood with our bikes. Three hours later. Yes,
THREE HOURS LATER we finally boarded that damned ferry. They stuck us in the carhold area like cattle. We got to Manhattan, walked (sore tushies) over to South Street Seaport and had a overpriced touristy dinner at Heartland Brewery and then went home.
I woke up with my eyes all pink, gooky and swollen. My face puffed. I think I have a sinus infection. Just like the last time I did this damn bike tour.
Now I'm off to the doctor. BAH.
Cel & Nan
(See Celvyn in action
Hen & Dave
Biking in Brooklyn