April 30, 2007


Today is David's first day back at work, and my first day at home alone with Sophie. I have been dreading this day for 2 weeks now. So far David has done so much around the house and with Sophie that I really didn't think I could manage without him. But so far, so good! She fussed in the morning from 9am-11am but I was able to get her to nap from 11am-2pm, then she woke for a feeding, then off to sleep again! I should really try and nap now, but I kinda wanted her to wake up so maybe we could take a walk to the Gap to get some girly onesies. But since I had the C-Section I can't really take the stroller down by myself yet, so I was going to use the Baby Bjorn. But since I don't want to disturb her precious sleep in attempting to get her into the Bjorn I'll wait and see if she wakes again soon. Otherwise I'll try to go tomorrow.

I'm so lucky to have her in the Springtime. The weather is so beautiful and I can't wait to take daily walks with her out in the sunshine.

We've received an incredible amount of gifts from friends, family, and friends of family that we've never met! I really want to do some laundry already so I can dress her in all the beautiful girly things. Everyone has been so generous and thoughtful and it's just so unbelievable how much stuff we have for her now.

I have to say these past two weeks have been the hardest I've ever experienced. I was hit with major Baby Blues/Post Partum Depression and really could barely function. I wasn't eating, barely sleeping, crying all the time and just feeling so overwhelmed and sad that I completely relied on David to do everything. He has been amazing to us both. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful and supportive man by my side. I'm happy to say that I'm feeling much better now and hope I continue feeling this way from now on as I just want to enjoy my beautiful daughter as much as possible while I'm home.

April 27, 2007

Baby Sophie

April 26, 2007

Happy Birthday David

Today is my husband's 35th birthday. Of course, with a newborn, there's not much festivities going on. We did take a walk around the neighborhood with Sophie to run some errands and get some bagel sandwiches. It was nice to get out and about for a bit. Still, I feel bad that we didn't really celebrate. But he is happy with 'Daddy's Little Girl'.

I don't know what I'd do without such a wonderful partner by my side. He is everything to me. He has the most patience and love I've ever seen from anyone.

Happy Birthday my Love. I love you so incredibly much.

April 24, 2007

Boob Blues

As I sit here with bags of frozen vegetables in my bra, I have to wonder-why is breastfeeding so darn difficult? I think we all assume you put the baby on the breast and it feeds. Just like that. Not always the case! How do the women in third world countries do it? After taking breastfeeding class before she was born, then seeing many nurses & a Lactation Consultant at the hosptial, a clinic yesterday where two different LC's were arguing over what advice to give me, and finally a Internist/LC who paid me a home visit today, I think I finally have some good advice on how to proceed. I have had many things against me. The latest is clogged ducts and Sophie may be now be tongue tied. It never ends! But the important thing is getting breastmilk to her one way or the other. And so far we've been successful doing that, with some formula supplementing. But I really don't like giving formula. Sure it's fine for some, hell even I was raised on it, and I'm healthy. But I just had my heart set on breastfeeding so I've been doing everything possible to make it work.

Other than that things are going ok. I'm getting maybe 4 or 5 hours of sleep a day. And that's not consistent hours. I think I sleep in 1 1/2 intervals. I have to pump every three hours round the clock. Very tiring. That on top of her waking up drink what I just pumped. David does most of the feedings which is great. But he's only home for another week or so then back to work he goes. How will I ever do this on my own?

Oh, and a BIG shoutout to RachelPink who sent me some yummy chocolates today. You really know how to brighten a girls day! You ROCK!

April 21, 2007

Hot Monkey/Baby Monkey

Hot Monkey Henry has posted some pics from Sophie's first day when he visited us in the hospital last Saturday.

Thanks Hen. And thanks again for that Coke you brought me.

April 20, 2007

My Birth Story

Seeing as a week ago today I was in labor and had our Sophie, I guess I'm about due to tell my birth story. Here goes...

4/12-8am-starting getting mild contractions every 8 minutes apart or so. Since I had these before I didn't jump for joy yet thinking this was it.

4/12-10am-by now they are down to around every 6 minutes apart, so I take a shower just in case as I know it would be awhile before I could shower again if this is indeed it.

4/12-noon-they are now about 5 minutes apart, lasting 30-40 seconds each and getting progressively more painful. I call David and tell him to come home from work, I think this may be the day.

4/12-2pm-David gets home. He tries to comfort me through the contractions but I realize I'm better on my own working through them, leaning against a wall and just counting the seconds until they are over. David starts up a Scrabble game for us to play to help keep my mind off of things. This game lasted maybe 20 minutes before I couldn't concentrate anymore.

4/12-4pm-Still 5 minutes apart, lasting exactly 40 seconds each. We decide to call Dr to see what he thinks. My main concern is getting to the hospital early enough to get the two doses of antibiotics I will need since I was Group Strep B Positive. Dr gives us green light to go into hospital anytime we're ready. He said we would either want to go in soon or after 8:30pm as there is a nurse shift change at 8.

4/12-9pm-Now 4-5 minutes apart, lasting 40-50 seconds. We keep trying to put off going to hospital every hour as we really want to stay home as long as possible and hopefully arrive when I'm at least 3cm dialated. David brings out my rocking chair and we watch several episodes of Planet Earth to keep my mind off of the pain. This is very relaxing to watch but it's becoming increasing difficult to get through each contraction.

4/12-midnight-David looks exhausted so I suggest he take a nap to conserve his energy so he can be there for me through the night.

4/13-12:30am-Contractions getting much stronger and closer together. I get nervous and wake David and tell him "It's time". We pack up our stuff and hail a cab to the hospital. Arrive there six minutes later. Contractions continue 4 minutes apart. I am very nervous. A nurse has me change into a gown and I am told to wait. A Medical Student comes in and asks me a million questions. Very annoying. When are they going to check me already? And doesn't he know not to ask a question during a contraction? Duh.

4/13-1:30am-They finally check me and I am 4 cm dialated. Woohoo! All my hard work laboring at home paid off. We are asked what kind of pain meds we want. I say I'll probaby end up getting an epidural, even though the contractions are fairly manageable. The Resident Dr tells me they will get "much, MUCH worse" and to get the epidural now rather than wait. I agree and we are checked into our room. A few minutes later the anesthesiologist comes in and gives me the epidural. A few minutes after that, I feel no contractions or pain whatsoever. Very nice! I can't believe how the pain just vanished. What a wonderful drug!

4/13-2:30am-I lay there listening to the baby heartbeat monitor while David tries to get comfy on two very uncomfortable chairs. Nurses come in every so often to check on things. I am exhausted but can't sleep at all.

4/13-3:30am-A Resident Dr checks me and I'm almost 5 cm. Hoped I was more but it's better than being stuck at 4.

4/13-9am-My Dr arrives. I am so happy to see him. Still haven't slept and David has maybe dozed on and off but no real sleep either. He is nervous for me. I am nervous for me. Dr checks me and I am still 4-5cm. Bummer. He orders some pitocin.

4/13-11am-Dr checks me and I am now 6cm. We're getting somewhere.

4/13-noon-I start to feel some UNBELIEVABLE pain down in my lower back region with each contraction. The pain is like nothing I've ever felt. They call in the anethesiologist to check my epidural. All looks fine and they can't figure out why I'm in such pain. I really feel like I can't handle it. I scream, I cry, David tries to soothe me best he can. Nurse tells me to breathe through it. I get pissed at her but try my best.

4/13-1pm-Anesthesiologist comes in again with nurse and they give me something to 'top me off'. It helps a little but not much. Soon after the pain suddenly vanishes. No one can figure out why but I don't care. I was just glad it's over.

4/13-3pm-Dr checks me and I'm 6-7cm (I think). My water breaks on it's own which was a bizarre but comforting feeling as I know labor is going to really progress now.

4/13-5pm-I get that UNBELIEVABLE contraction pain again down low and in the groin region. UNBEARABLE. Dr comes in and is trying to figure out why. He checks me and I'm 9cm. I demand another top off or something to make it stop. I simply cannot handle it anymore. He gives me a oxygen mask.

4/13-5:30-Anesthesiologist comes in again and tops me off. It does nothing. I am utterly miserable. The fact that they can't help me and I already have a full epidural is so upsetting I wonder how on earth I can continue and how will I even push? Dr checks me again, 10cm, but baby still VERY HIGH in pelvis. In all these 34 hours, baby never progressed down into my pelvis. I know what this means. David knows what this means. Dr looks at us apologetically and says we have two options-to attempt to push or a C-Section. He says in his honest opinion he thinks baby's head is too big and I have a roughly 3% chance of pushing her out safely. He said I can try and we could always do emergency C-Section if it doesn't work. But David and I agree a C-Section is the best way to go. The pain is unbearable, and I just wanted to see my baby already. They start prepping the room. They pull out my epidural and I continue to be in misery. The room takes FOREVER to get ready. David calls the family on the cell who are in the waiting room and tells them the news.

4/13-6pm-FINALLY they wheel me into the operating room. Stark white lights. Lots of doctors and nurses. But the only person I'm concerned with is the anesthesiologist. he puts in medication and I can finally no longer feel the incredible pain of the contractions. Now I wait anxiously as they prep, put up a big blue sheet in front of me, and call in David so we can begin. They are about to start cutting but I tell them I can feel the prick of the scalpel. They can't understand why I can only feel it in this one spot so they give me some Lidocaine and then begin. I feel lots of tugging and pressure, but no pain. I am so excited to hear our baby cry.

4/13-6:27pm-Sophie Rotstein is brought into the world with one little cry and "it's a girl. A BIG girl" announced by our Dr. We see her for a second and she is whisked away. We hear another cry as they prick her heel. They tell us she has light hair and that she is a big, healthy girl. After a few minutes they bring her over and David holds her to me as I stare into her eyes. I feel like I'm looking in a mirror. She looks exactly like me. David is bawling and I am crying as well. David is escorted out with the baby as they sew me up. I am so exhausted I fade in and out of sleep.

4/13-7pm?-They wheel me into recovery room and the whole family walks in bawling. They hand Sophie to me and I say "she looks like a Sophie". I hold her for only a couple of minutes then she is passed around to every. Photos are being taken. Cell phone calls being made. Very overhwelming. I tell them I want her back so I can try and breastfeed. Everyone leaves the room. Five minutes later the nurse comes in to take her away to the nursery. I am very upset I had no time with her.

4/13-8pm?-Everyone watches her in the nursery then decides to head home for the night. David is completely exhausted and tells me he is going to go home to sleep and will be back first thing in the morning. He looks like he is about to pass out.

4/13-9pm-I am left alone in this big multi-bed recovery room. No one is around. A nurse comes in and gives me some ice chips. Tells me my room is being prepared and leaves again. I text message people and lay there feeling very lonely and sad that I can't see my baby.

4/13-10pm-I am STILL there. Another couple is brought in across from me, and from behind their curtain I hear them oohing and aahing over their new baby boy. I am VERY upset and start crying. I yell for a nurse to get my nurse because I feel so abandoned there and can't understand what is taking so long.

4/13-10:30pm-I am finally brought into my room and put to bed. I ask for my baby and am told they will bring her in after they have warmed her. I text Shaina back and forth telling her how I'm feeling.

4/13-11:30pm-They bring in Sophie. I nurse her for a little while, then the nurse comes back in to bring her back to the nursery. I go to sleep. After that they bring her in twice more throughout the night for nursing. It's very painful but I nurse and try to bond with her.

I have to mention the nurses at the hospital were AMAZING and helped us so much with any issues or questions we had. I felt like we were staying at a hotel. We had to pay extra for a private room so David could stay with me but it was well worth it.

So that's my birth story. This week has been very rough for me as I am suffering from the 'Baby Blues' as they call them and I am so lucky to have David here as he is so commited to me and Sophie. I hope this passes soon so I can fully enjoy her. I've had many breastfeeeding issues as well and tried to attempt to work through them with a great lactation consultant at the hospital but in the end I am pumping most of the time and try to nurse once or twice a day. It's all very difficult. Sophie was sleeping for 3-4 hours at a time but since last night has become more and more fussy. I know the first three months are the toughest so I have a little countdown in my head.

She is a very sweet baby and snorts like a little pig when she wakes. We have nicknamed her our Little Golden Pig.

last photos of us as a childless couple taken in the labor and delivery room

April 17, 2007


Sophie Rotstein
A hefty 9lbs 1oz
A lengthy 22 inches long
Born 4/13/07 @ 6:27PM

So where to begin. We are parents. We have a daughter. She is absolutely perfect from head to toe. Every 9 pound and 1 ounce of her. As with most people the birth didn't go as expected. But in the end it really doesn't matter. She is here. She is beautiful. She is ours.

I'll post more later as just writing this little bit makes me weepy.

April 12, 2007


I believe I'm in early labor. Every 5 min or so for 30 seconds since 8am. And it HURTS. If no updates later, you know where I'll be.


still home. contractions are 6 min apart and last 50 seconds. we have the green light to go into the hospital whenever we want but I'd prefer to labor at home as long as possible. They are pretty intense but then the 5 min rest period between is a lifesaver.

this is all taking wayyy too long :-(

April 11, 2007

Still here

So only minor changes at the Dr yesterday. Softening, but not dialating/effacing. At least there is some progress. But I'm coming to terms with the fact that labor will probably not start on it's own before Friday night. And I guess that's ok. I just wanted my labor to be more on my terms than the hosptials, but you can never plan how things will go in life exactly.

Still, we walked another four miles last night. But I'm getting tired of the walking and the trying to get labor to start. I'm starting to get exhausted from it all and I think I will just relax now and let things happen. But I must admit is has been nice spending the evenings walking with David, just the two of us for the last time ever. I love him so much and am so very lucky to have him by my side.

I'm getting nervous. So nervous that I am tending to focus more on the pain and the fear of the induction than the prize that we will be rewarded with in the end, our baby. I'm trying to relax and focus on the prize but it's difficult as my fears take over.

I'm sure all will be ok in the end.

Here is probably the last belly shot before Baby Monkey comes out. We took it last night in Central Park.

April 10, 2007

Checking in

I wish the title meant 'checking into the hospital' but not yet. Easter was a nice albeit lonely day. David and I decided to do a good 4 mile walk to see if it gets things moving. So we did some errands downtown and walked home through the Central Park. It was chilly but a very beautiful, quiet day.

Yesterday was also a good day. I had mild contractions in the morning which progressed to a whopping 25 seconds each at exactly every 5 minutes for a few hours! It's amazing how precise the timing was. I layed down to see if I could nap and I guess I fell asleep because I woke up about 45 min later and the contractions had stopped. But yesterday evening they started up again and David and I took a 3 mile walk and stopped for dinner. By the time we walked home they were starting up again about 8 minutes apart, and continued until I layed down to go to sleep : (

So I'm here now waiting, hoping, they start up again soon. We have a Dr appointment this afternoon and we are just really hoping there is some real progress this time. It's all very exciting. Wish us luck!

April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

I wish the picture posted on the left was of our baby but, alas, nothing yet. This is our first alone here Easter in NYC as we are normally celebrating Easter breakfast with my cousins on Long Island. But I didn't want to be too far away from the city just in case I go into labor. We are really missing them today as it's always so much fun. Our Latvian Easter breakfast begins with vodka shots, followed by the hard boiled egg smashing contest, followed by lots of food including herring on brown bread with eggs. So yummy! And then everyone goes outside for the annual Easter Egg Hunt for the kids!

Happy Easter everyone. Come on Easter Bunny, leave me a special egg soon!

April 06, 2007


Went for a sonogram and then Dr appointment this morning. Sonogram went well, plenty of fluid and baby looks very healthy. But then we went to the Dr's and still no progress. Baby is still very high up, no dialation, no effacement. No signs that labor is anytime soon. So that stinks. Dr is also concerned about the the baby's high weight. So am I. Induction is still scheduled for next Friday, so if nothing else we'll have our baby by Saturday the 14th. But the baby is only going to get bigger, so that is a little scary for me. But Dr said he will do his best to ensure I have natural delivery. I told him I'm up for the challenge as well!

I must admit this was all discouraging news, but we will try and think positive as things can change overnight. So for now I'll continue walking for at least an hour a day and hope baby comes down soon.

Wow, I'm gonna be a Mommy in a week. Very exciting. Baby Monkey, COME ON DOWN!

April 04, 2007

Nothing yet

Just checking in. Nothing yet. Had ultrasound yesterday and they 'estimate' the baby weighs 8 pounds, 15 ounces. Needless to say I was not happy about that. But I am hanging on the word ESTIMATE and hope it's smaller than that. It could be plus or minus up to 10%. Also, baby is facing sunny side up, another negative as it can lead to a more painful labor. But hopefully he/she will flip over soon. Next ultrasound and doctor appointment is this Friday morning. Still no signs of labor!

April 01, 2007

Pink Ladies

My Mummy and Fred are in town. They came into the city today and we had a nice brunch at Sarabeth's. Such excellent, homemade food. Everything is always amazing there. Well worth the 45 minute wait and way too crowded seating. On our way home we stopped at Scharffen Berger chocolates and picked up some goodies. Excellent chocolate indeed. Especially if you're a fan of deep, dark bittersweet chocolate like me.

Afterward we came back to the apartment to relax and then ended the night with some Chinese food down the street. Obviously, still no signs of baby. But I'm really feeling huge now and just out of room. My lower back is starting to hurt a little and there's just so much pressure!

Come out baby, it's much roomier out here. I promise.