So I guess I need to elaborate on this pregnant thing.
Last week I started feeling a little dizzy, plus I was late. I put two and two together, plus the feeling that something was just 'different' and bought a home pregnancy test. Friday morning I woke up and took the test. Immediatley 2 lines showed up-positive. I thought I must have done something wrong. So I did the second test. Same result. Immediately I felt a rush of emotions-mainly fear.
I woke up David, threw the tests onto the bed and said "Look at those!". He asked what they were and then said "You're pregnant??!!"
So we're both very happy and a little surprised. I mean, we weren't really going to start trying until after the Spain trip. But no biggie. It's all good. Just no Spanish wine tastings for me.
So far I feel fine. Little bouts of dizziness or tiredness, but they come and go rather quickly. I estimate I am about 6 weeks now, going on my 7th. It's all very bizarre. This thing, this human, growing inside of me. I bought some books already, Pregnany for Dummies and Great Expectations-Your All-In-One Resource for Pregnancy & Childbirth. Both have been great in educating me on what's going on now and what's to come.
We've told pretty much everybody. I know some people like to wait a few months, but I'm too excited to hold it in. I'm not that private of a person. If something goes wrong, I'll tell people. No big deal to me.
Looks like the due date is around March 21. So we're looking at a Pisces, possibly an Aries baby.
It's really strange and exciting. I feel like I'm walking around with this secret inside me that no one knows about. And it makes me smile.